Antimagic Academy 35th Test Platoon - Volume 01 - Eienherjar wakes Page 13
That instant, he saw this opportunity.
The moment she landed after jumping, Hero swung Excalibur in front of himself. Ouka forgot that the Magical Heritage was not only a gun, but it also had a shape of a sword and could be used as such.
Ouka kicked off the ground again before the blade slammed to the ground jumping again, however.
"No good! Too low— this is——"
Direct hit has been avoided in the nick of time. The ground that was hit was pulverized and part of it became debris which was hurled towards the sky together with Ouka.
Ouka was alive, immediately after the ground was broken she kicked off a large debris. She negated the impact by using her legs like a spring. Her ad hoc decision was extraordinary, motor nerves practically reacted by themselves. The hell she experienced up until now allowed her to survive this situation.
Ouka fired blindly as she was falling. She was hardly aiming. Bombarding Hero with bullets downwards from the sky.
Of course, all of it was blocked by the barrier.
Ouka landed on top of the barrier, immediately reloaded and fired at the barrier from zero distance.
Along with a loud sound at impact, all of the bullets were repelled. No matter how she concentrated fire on one spot, it didn't budge. Even with mithril coating that had anti-magic effect, it was impossible to break through this solid wall.
Hero raised his gun trying to get rid of Ouka who's clinging to him. Ouka twisted her body the moment she ran out of ammo. She jumped off by doing a backflip.
She rolled after landing to distance herself from the Hero. However, hero caught Ouka's leg with his rugged hand as she tried to escape.
Her leg, held by a fist as big as her head, broke like dry leaves the moment of contact and bent irregularly.
Ouka almost screamed in pain, she showered the hand that grabbed her leg with bullets from her favourite gun.
For a moment she thought the bullets reached, but to no avail.
The barrier changed it's shape upon contact with enemy, it covered Hero's body in a thin layer. Repelling bullets completely, he was unwounded.
There was no longer a way for Ouka to escape. While grabbing her broken leg, the Hero threw her towards the wall of the Academy.
She smashed into a wall at high speed, Ouka spat out blood.
"...I won't... die yet..."
A voice from the back of her throat, which sounded like it was squeezed out.
What motivated her, was the vision of the witch that took everything away from her.
A loud laugh coming from her mouth that formed a shape like crescent moon, like a butcher.
Ouka didn't forget that absolute fear.
While maintaining that vision, she gazed at approaching Hero.
"...this degree of... fear...!"
Ouka's beaten up body ached, she got up halfway.
"Accepting death by hands of an enemy of this degree——is unforgivable!"
Exhaling turbulently and roughly. She placed a hand on her knee and looked at herself. Her uniform was in tatters, her underwear was clearly visible.
Without even trying to hide her appearance, Ouka stood on her broken leg.
She exhaled breath that had the scent of blood and slowly held out her hands before her.
This gesture looked as if she wanted to grab something.
She whispered with a fading voice and closed her eyes.
"...if possible, I didn't want to use it."
Resolving herself, she spoke slowly.
Desiring with supreme ardor——"Summis desiderantes affectibus——"
Together with the words she spoke, the world lost its sounds.
Pressure is fell rapidly, oxygen in the surroundings depleted.
A spark appeared in the air, tinnitus covered the world.
In that space that's like a prelude to hell, Ouka opened her eyes.
Template:Furigana「''"——Malleus Maleficarum"''
At that moment, under Ouka's feet, even though she shouldn't possess any magic. A magical circle appeared.
The air screamed like a chorus performing a requiem. Under her feet from the magic circle something like a black coffin appeared.
Before Ouka's hands that were held out, the coffin stopped in mid-air.
Right after she narrowed her eyes, the exterior of the coffin cracked and shattered. From the interior twin handguns appeared.
The barrel measures 15 inches, its features looked more like automatic guns than a revolver.
Women and children aside, it's unlikely to be handled by a normal human being, something that had an unknown application.
It' was too large to be called a pistol. Something that didn't even exist in the past, original gun that was completely independent.
On their exterior there was a unique crest displaying a distorted wingless dragon. 『The Malleus MaleficarumIV "Vlad III"』 was carved onto them.
Ouka picked up those huge guns from the air, and crossed them in front of her body.
"I didn't intend to use you bastard but... it's an emergency. Lend me your power, Vlad."
Ouka spoke to herself.
《"——From the beginning. We respondeth to thine call Master."》
A voice suddenly rang in Ouka's head.
A heavy and thick voice of a man. Even though there were no humans beside her.
Hence, the fact that voice has been emitted from the handgun Ouka summoned is obvious.
The Relic Eater, 『Vlad』.
One of the anti-magic weapons only inquisitors from Witch Hunter『Dullahan』 were allowed to use.
It was Ootori Ouka's exclusive Relic Eater.
《"For, thou art our provisional contractor."》
Vlad spoke with a condescending tone, devoid of inflection. It had a personality, many Magical Heritage's that interpreted human speech have been discovered. And all of Relic Eater series had personalities dwelling within.
Irritated with Vlad's bossy attitude, Ouka grimaced.
"You shut up and just listen to me."
《"Provisional is provisional, I hath no intention to respond to all thy requests. For I have not been accepted by thy yet."》
"Shut up, who would want to be accepted by a bastard that's a product of magic."
Ouka rejected Vlad, and pointed the guns at the Hero.
Having to use Vlad was humiliating to Ouka. To be using the power of a devil to win against a devil, it was synonymous to being already defeated by magic. That's what she thought.
Even so, Ouka wanted to defeat this hateful enemy.
Even if she personally loses. Even if she admits defeat, as long she tales the enemy down she was fine with it.
That's what she thought, she grasped Vlad.
The enemy aimed his muzzle at Ouka.
"——Fix my leg, Vlad!"
The magic bullet was fired, the crushed leg was being rewinded to the original state like a playback. The next moment Ouka jumped to the side.
Ouka successfully avoided the magic bullet. In fact, unlike her movement up till now. She was inhumanly fast, and her jumping force flung her into the sky.
《"Body enhancement is minimal. If thou desire more than this, Accept me."》
"I refuse!"
《"A stubborn woman. However, that's good!"》
"That's creeping me out!"
She landed from several meters height without receiving any shock, making distance from Hero.
《"Our foe is a Hero... King Arthur and Excalibur, seems a bit lacking to be our opponent."》
"I told you to shut up. Hurry up and release the trigger."
《"Trigger, for the first? Or the second?"》
"I decided on first."
《"Without turning into 『Witch Hunter』 despite facing
a Hero?"》
"If it's about me accepting you, I refuse."
《"Such obstinacy. Understood, *click* Trigger released. Did you memorize enemy's barrier technique?"》
"Of course, who do you think I am."
《"Very well—— Let us start the witch hunt."》
An intimidating voice declared in Ouka's head.
At the same time Ouka rushed towards the enemy, the Hero.
Hero also exhibited movement. He once again moved Excalibur's muzzle, and tried to shoot the magical bullet.
《"That's nothing more than mass of magical energy——avoid it."》
"Don't need you to tell me!"
Ouka leaped up, magical bullet passed under her feet. She danced very, very high in the sky while she pointed her gun's muzzle at the Hero.
She stretched out her arms, and pressed the trigger with all her strength.
The moment gunshot sounded, a human-like scream sounded.
Too strong recoil, lifted Ouka's body even higher in the air defying gravity.
The fired thing was a stake of light. It was a spell itself.
From that spell, a stake made from magical power, sharp like a needle rushed towards the Hero.
However the enemy's, King Arthur's absolute defence——
Made a sound like broken glass. It was at the moment when the stake that was shot hit the barrier. Upon contact, a part of the barrier crumbled like glass. A hole was made in it.
The stake hit King Arthur's shoulder directly.
The large body staggered.
In every Relic Eater exists an intrinsic magic with special non-standard ability.
Ouka's 『Vlad』's ability is, passing through all magic that is understood by the user. Meaning.
What is needed, to have the process for using magic inside her head.
That means even if the magical device is not present, even without magic currently available. The instructions previously memorized could be automatically converted by 『Vlad』's ability, allowing it to pierce magic.
『Vlad』's stake was like an eraser that wipes away the scribbles from the wall.
Amount of magic she currently knew could be counted in tens of thousands. Ordinary people cannot even understand the procedure, so a memory and incredible intelligence, as well as ability to recall images was required.
Ouka's head had all of it.
To defeat the enemy, you must know the enemy first. In Ouka's head, there were thousands of procedures that could be used in magic.
She didn't shoot only once.
Raising a hand once again, 『Vlad』 shot in rapid fire. Stakes seized King Arthur's body. All of it were direct hits.
Stopping the barrage, Ouka landed. The landing was magnificent but her face was distorted in agony.
《"It's because thou were shooting invariably you were hurt by rebound. Thou were squeezing the trigger without shifting the aim even as thou broke bones in thy arm, confess thine guilt."》
"It's fine... hurry up... heal it...!"
While in pain, Ouka checked the damage on the enemy. Hero, King Arthur was... alive and well.
《"The damage dealt to enemy was minor. There isn't enough power, the stake's quality wasn't enough. Thou mightest be able to eliminate this battle monster if thou performed contract?"》
" many times do I have to tell you."
《"At this rate thou shalt be defeated by him. The barrier persists. Excalibur's sheath instantly repairs the damaged portions of barrier. Unless thou destroy the sheath there is nothing to talk about."》
It was just like Vlad said. Even if she pierces through the barrier, the damage is reduced by it too much. At this rate only defeat awaits her no matter what she does.
"...we'll use intrinsic magic and make an opening."
Ouka, as if grabbing the last resort, said it while clicking her tongue.
《"Oh? Thou hast finally accepted it?"》
"Wrong, I'm not going to accept it. I'm saying that I'll take more."
"Hmm, instead of a contract, thou shalt sacrifice your blood, very well... I shall agree on that."
Right after Vlad consented, chill struck Ouka's body.
Her vision blurred, her body staggered.
Right now, a third of blood in her body was given to 『Vlad』, amount of life support she had was enough for one minute. Ouka breathed painfully.
《"It was delicious, in exchange, do whatever you want."》
Hearing the voice, Ouka looked up disgusted.
And, grasping the shaking guns strongly, she opened her legs and lowered her upper body. She took a special stance.
One gun aimed at sky, the other one aiming at the ground. And then——
————『Prince Impaler's Entertainment"Tepes Rain"』
She squeezed the triggers as she spoke the magic's name.
Unlike the normal operation, there was nothing coming out of the muzzle. Instead of that, enormous magic appeared in the sky and the ground.
After noticing 『Vlad』's intrinsic magic, Hero became vigilant.
He took a defensive stance, he prepared to intercept the attack with his railgun blade.
——But, such defence was useless.
The assault, came from the sky.
A rain of stakes showered the Hero injuring him after magically appearing in the air.
Like meteorites, they were falling and breaking through the barrier. Hero tried to knock them away and avoid them. He got immediately exhausted by the amount of stakes coming from the sky.
Even so he endured through it, because he is a Hero. He continued to block and avoid the shower of stakes by slipping into the gaps between them. King Arthur tried to outdo the intrinsic magic 『Prince Impaler's EntertainmentTepes Rain』.
But 『Vlad』's magic was more than that. First from the sky——now from the ground.
Breaking through the asphalt under his feet, thick stakes flew out vigorously.
The scaffold collapsed and King Arthur staggered. Sharp stakes drove into Hero's armour, slightly, but definitely dealing damage.
It was far from fatal, even with the blood she sacrificed
The intrinsic magic didn't realize a complete wall.
To use intrinsic magic without a contract, you should sacrifice hundreds of people's lives.
Ouka didn't accept the contract with 『Vlad』 yet, that's why she was unable to bring out all of its power.
——But, it was enough for Ouka at the moment.
In the meantime as he was distracted by intrinsic magic, Ouka closed the distance between them to one meter.
"——At this distance this power is enough! It will pierce without being impaired!"
Guns in both of her hands moved up and shot a pair of anti magical stakes.
The stakes penetrated the barrier and struck Excalibur's sheath.
The sheath got blown off from King Arthur's waist, and it rotated in the air. There was no damage to the sheath itself, but in the stakes an anti magical procedure was inscribed. The sheath soared in the sky and gradually lost its shine before falling to the ground.
——The barrier was gone.
Let's go! At this rate if I shoot him with stakes—— I'll win!"
Her heart was full of confidence.
She aimed her gun at Hero's body and put some strength into the fingers on trigger.
At this distance she definitely won't miss. She'll move her body somehow. There's no way she'll lose. It's the decisive blow.
Ouka trusted in her own victory.
——But, however,
《"Forgiveth, the witch hunt is suspended by order of the king."》
At the same time as the voice sounded in the back of her head, the magic she was clad in was lost. Power of 『Vlad』 in her hands was lost as well.
She was unable to grasp the situation.
That question didn't appear in her head. Just.
Victory right in front of her was lost, she was dumbfounded.
The momentary chance disappeared, Ouka was hit by thirst of blood. Unable to avoid it, Ouka was blown away by Hero's kick.
She smashed into the ground without raising a moan or scream. She finally stopped after being thrown violently.
Feeling the pain running through her entire body, with her remaining consciousness she understood she lost.'s that man...
Breathing faintly, she had an idea why 『Vlad』's power was lost. She knew the answer.
Ouka was disqualified from Inquisition, she has been stripped of Witch Hunter'sDullahan's responsibilities. That means she was forbidden from usage of Relic Eater. However, when emergency alarm was sounded, restriction on Relic Eaters were lifted, and 『Vlad』 should be available for use.
But at the last moment, she was stripped from the right to use it by Chairman, Ootori Sougetsu. Why now of all times, during such a crisis... Sougetsu abandoned Ouka, why did he do such a thing, what was he trying to achieve. Ouka knew it's pointless to pursue truth. An ordinary person couldn't understand his intentions.
There was no more workarounds. Her body couldn't move, she had a few broken bones.
She couldn't move, and was in pain by just breathing.
Hero walked up to Ouka, and aimed his gun's muzzle at her forehead.
The light is condensed, and Excalibur's magic bullet was about to be unleashed at any moment.
Aah... it's over.
As the enemy was about to use abominable magic, she was struck with regret. Ouka looked towards the red sky.
In the end... I'm going to disappear without doing anything.
Even though she sacrificed everything for the sake of revenge, she was going to die without fulfilling it. How pathetic. How shameless. She thought so. However, there was also relief in her heart.
With this, she will be released. As she put her mind at ease, Ouka noticed something. detestable.
Even though she knew that, easing up like that was fine as well.
Up until now she pushed herself. A weak habit like that became obstinacy, then, a nasty pride, she lived and endured only for a single purpose.
Such a heavy burden expanded in her heart was now lifted. That's why, she could no longer stand up.