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Antimagic Academy 35th Test Platoon - Volume 01 - Eienherjar wakes Page 17

  "I promised, let me help you out."

  In a feeble, gentle voice. Ouka smiled wryly.

  "Terribly stubborn, aren't you."

  Saying that, Ouka nodded slightly.

  Takeru, relieved, sighed and closed his eyes.

  "From now on... don't push yourself alone."


  "I'm with you. Rely on me... you can rely on me whenever you need."

  With these words, her eyes narrowed as if about to doze off, in Ouka's eyes tears pooled faintly.

  " it really fine...for me...can that be forgiven..."

  "Even if none forgive it, I will forgive it."

  Seeing a smile on Takeru's face, Ouka's face suddenly reddened slightly. At the same time, she anxiously faced down.

  "Really...can it be done...until now...I was always alone..."


  "I... don't know how how to relate to people."

  Until now Ouka spent everything on her vengeance, so relations with other people were uncharted territory.

  Considering how she unreasonably avoided others until now, Takeru understood. Ouka was even more clumsy than him.

  Takeru made a reassuring smile.

  "It's all right... it's not only me, even those fellows in the platoon… it will work out"


  "And if it doesn't… I'll take care of it."

  "You will...?"

  "Yeah… I won't hold… back..."

  After saying that to Ouka, Takeru fell asleep.

  Ouka slowly patted his head as he slept.

  "If you want to help me out... that's fine."

  That's when her expression changed, her first real smile in nine years.


  Part 1

  X Day, X Month, 2:15 PM. Audio recording number 1274.


  "Yo, it's been a while. Are you healthy?"

  "Mm yes, How about Onii-chan?"

  "I'm fine. I can't help but to look forward to the days I can see you."

  "Onii-chan... somehow you seem really cheerful today."

  "Is that so? Oh well... that's because something good happened."

  "Something good?"

  "Yeah, thanks to that, I can do my best like I did before."

  "...don't overwork yourself, okay?"

  "It's fine. I have you, and... I have good comrades now."

  "I have a lot to talk about with you today."

  "Something to talk about with me?"

  "Yeah. In fact, two years ago——"



  "...It's time. Sorry, brother has to go soon."

  "Mm. Thanks Brother, as always. It was fun."

  "You don't have to thank me. I really wanted to see you."

  "I see... ehehe."


  "Umm, Onii-chan."


  "Will you... come to see me again?"


  "Of course? Because I'm your Onii-chan, aren't I."



  In accordance to Terms and Conditions, personnel is to perform analysis on the record, strict safekeeping advised. If a problem is found by the analysis, perform rapid incineration.

  Audio recording number 1274.

  Visitor name 【Kusanagi Takeru】.

  Inmate name 【Kusanagi Kiseki】.

  Part 2

  ——One month after the subjugation of the Hero.


  "Preparations are complete, Ootori."

  "Aa, uhh, All right, all right."

  She placed a hand on her chest in front of the platoon's room, Takeru looked at Ouka who was trembling with nervousness, and he scratched his cheek.

  Back in January. The fallen Takeru was rescued by the HealerSeelie troops and received intensive care, absolute rest was mandatory for a while after that.

  Ootori Sougetsu who visited hospital spoke of what will happen to Takeru in future.

  『"——If you cancel your contract with Lapis, you will die."』


  『"Oh? How unexpected, that you aren't surprised."』

  『"Well, it's my own body, so somehow..."』

  『"That's good. Your upper and lower body were rejoined with Lapis's magic power, if the magic supply from her is cut off your body will return to how it was before. If you don't want to die, you have to do as Inquisition says."』

  『" produce this result, you made students fight instead of dispatching the Witch HuntersDullahans, allowed the enemy to break through, abandoned Ouka... in order for the Hero to kill me."』


  『"Please don't try to deceive me while laughing."』

  『"Think of it as of me holding your life in my hands. You are allowed to continue living as a student. As a Relic Eater holder, you might be asked to participate in missions as a Witch HunterDullahan. You can't refuse."』

  Sougetsu grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  Just as he said, Takeru couldn't refuse. He had no reason to give up on his life.

  Even before he heard about that, Takeru already knew. This man called Ootori Sougetsu wasn't his ally.

  He was an enemy... he was confident about that.

  And——a week passed, right now——

  "Kusanagi——what if it turns out bad after all?!"

  "Which time is it that you said that. Just how timid are you!"

  "B-but... to suddenly invite them to dinner...? Isn't that usually turned down, doesn't that sound weird?"

  "Not at all! Normally 『"How about we eat lunch together?"』 should be fine!"

  "Mmmm. This is hard, Kusanagi."

  Trembling, Ouka made a face as if she wanted to cry.

  ...what it meant was,

  "Communication between members is important."

  Ouka agreed to Takeru's proposal.

  And the situation ended up like this.

  Though it's more like she was forced to do it rather than consented, captain’s orders.

  Because they came to save her, Ouka reluctantly did it.

  And thus an unfortunate event happened.

  It could be said that Ouka, when it came to relating with others was still a virgin.

  Despite usually being dignified and bull... she is no good at this kind of thing.

  He thought earlier that she was clumsy, but it was beyond that.

  It's been already a week like this.

  "The important thing is for you to act."

  "Guhh... even if you say that..."

  "Come on, go in for the time being."


  "Anyway, practice, practice."


  Even Takeru, who's removed from the community, felt like he became an instructor. He was able to feel superior for the first time.

  It was something invaluable, that's what he felt.

  "Fuu... fuu... okay."

  Ouka breathed in and grabbed the door knob of the platoon's room.

  Takeru smiled wryly and tried to move towards the window to afterwards check on her.

  That's when.

  *squeeze*... the hem of his uniform was grabbed weakly.

  It couldn't be, his face seemed to say as he turned around.

  "...maybe... maybe we should go in together after all... you told me you'll look after me didn't you."

  With tears in her eyes and slightly blushing. somehow she looked really small as she grabbed the hem of his uniform.

  Takeru thought that such Ouka was really cute.

  Oh well, so troublesome.

  Only weirdos gathered in the Small Fry Platoon, it seemed like it's true after all.


  If you were blow off to a fantasy world full of violence, what would you choose as a weapon?

  Sword, magic, gun, ax, spear, mace.

  There's a lot of them, but
it seems like the choice is limited to a gun because it's the strongest.

  In action games and role playing games, when you create your character, even if you can pick the gun which is the strongest weapon you are still able to choose other weapons.

  But in reality, everyone would choose a gun.

  Because they don't want to die.

  Being more realistic. Thinking more about realism.

  Foreigners would say 『"Japanese RPG is unrealistic,they're using swords in the world that has guns, Banzaiattack, harakiri, crazy."』.

  They have a point. It's unreasonable, and unrealistic.

  But, is picking the weapon you love a sin? Really?

  Is stubborness evil?

  And more than anything, what i want to say is.

  Games are already fiction, isn't it fine to use a sword?

  This book has been completed based on that idea. Actually half of it.

  "Things like garterbelt that can hold a gun, an erotic type of gun belt that can be hidden on the thigh, something like a belt that bites into the thigh a little, it can't be helped."

  Such wordly desires surfaced.

  Ouch, don't throw stones at me. Don't throw E**alibur at me, i'll cry!

  Well, nice to meet you to those who are starting. To the ones who know me from my previous series, nice to see you again.

  I't's Yanagimi Touki,

  Was it 9 months since then? I started again unexpectedly early, but still, I took a while. Sorry.

  Well then, the new work 『"AntiMagic Academy "The 35th Test Platoon""』, how was it?

  If it was fun, then I'll dance in joy.

  This work was a new experience to me.

  Things like guns, swords, school, platoon, or big breasted lolis.

  Because I wasn't really familiar with guns, I thought 『"What to do if it's wrong..."』, it was written while I had mixed feelings about shooting. If i was wrong, fire at me with M60 or throw stones.

  But I'd be really glad if you didn't. Because I'll die.

  It was my first time having characters like these.

  Character types like Ouka and Takeru, these are girl and boy types I have never made before.

  Having a bad stomach, weak, pathetic, yet strong. A protagonist that is living nonchalantly but in fact has a dark past.

  A strong character that is actually very lonely, in fact it's so bad she's mad in her sadness.

  Or a loli with big breasts.

  A character type that wasn't there in my previous works, it's a serious main character.

  You want to hear something serious?

  ーI'm dead serious.

  I wanted to say here that I love lolis with big breasts, I omitted it before because I would be head shotted by those who like flat chests. Though the ones who read my previous works should know it, I love flat chests too?

  Then now, about the work's world setting, how it's imagined.

  Dark ages mixed with modern, how does it feel?

  It might be completely different, I think it's written to give off that image. Development of science and technology, problem of magic and witches and Inquisition, a world undergoing transformation.

  A fictional war that caused disasters happening, that's the base of it, a world with story that's quite different from real world.

  Fictional things from mythology and legends existing, I expect it to be quite chaotic.

  I leave researching the historical facts in your hands.

  Don't bite back at me too much, or I'll cry.

  About the other half, that is... since I think there are quite a few people who start reading from afterword, It would be better if i didn't write it out here.

  No, I wont write it? It's for the sake of reader-sama's convenience. Isn't that obvious, wait, stop it, don't throw stones. I'll cry!

  Well, I have glued an afterword somehow, now the customary credits.

  First, Ticket, you've drawn wonderful illustrations and thighs. At the stage of character's creation I couldn't close my mouth from amazement. Utilizing the character's characteristics this much, thank you for giving me an impression, I was shaking with excitement when I saw it went far beyond my expectations.

  And the one who helped me sharpen the edges of my rough plan, the one in charge S-Sama.

  Everyone in Fujimi Shobo.

  And above all, you readers who have picked up the book.

  Well then, I pray that I'll be able to see you in second volume.

  Yanagimi Touki.

  Translator's Notes and References

  Chapter 1

  ↑ 餅は餅屋 Mochi ha Mochiya - Mochi means rice cake, while mochiya means rice cake store, in original it means the right person for the right job, similar to English saying "Horses for courses"

  ↑ In this case 恥 means both shameless and dishonorable, it refers to how Mistletoe is a parasitic plant shamelessly leeching off the others.

  ↑ 天下無双草薙流 Tenka Musou Kusanagi-ryu - Tenka Musou means peerless, Kusanagi-ryu means Kusanagi-style, it can be also translated in many other ways, but this one is the most accurate one.

  Chapter 2

  ↑ Degozaru - in short, an old fashioned way of speaking used by samurai's and the like.

  ↑ The kanji means Magic-Sweeping Sword, however Soumatou - as written with furigana refers to phenomenon that some people experience when encountering near-death situations, i.e. your entire life flashing before your eyes, and everything turning into slow motion.

  ↑ Kowtow- A form of showing respect by prostration.

  Chapter 3

  ↑ This is probably a play on words, it can either mean "takes her leave" or "blesses you".

  ↑ Anpanman(link

  Chapter 4

  ↑ Zanbatō

  ↑ A reference to Alice's adventures in wonderland I take it.

  Chapter 5

  ↑ Nodachi –

  ↑ Zweihänder –änder

  ↑ Yamata no Orochi

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